私が収集した、辞書で見つけにくそうな、英語の表現を皆様に提供します。例文は主にNHK o'clock




 Version 2    14/8/01 with some corrections and additions.

 Version 3     Weekly updated. 更新情報は毎週変わっています。In this collection alphabets are used in the following way to express Japanese sounds. For example, ookii 大きい, oosama 王様。


What are the English counterparts of the followings?


 、、  Matta nashi 待ったなし、. Asobu 遊ぶ Kane wo motte konaito asobanai 金を持ってこないと遊ばない

    Akiraka ni sarezu 明らかにされず Akusookyuu 悪送球、Boottoshite ボーっとして  Akashingoo mushi赤信号無視, Akarusa wo wasurenai 明るさを忘れない, Akiya 空き家,   Aruki sumaho 歩きスマホ, Atama deha wakatte iru 頭では分かっている, Atorakushon アトラクション, Yuuenchi no atorakushon遊園地のアトラクション, Atsuage 厚揚げ, Baketsu riree バケツリレー, Boshi tomoni junchoo 母子ともに順調, Ichioku soo burakku ka 一億総ブラック化. Chekkuチェック Kootsuu joohoo wo chekku 交通情報をチェック,  Chikaraga hairanai 力が入らない

 Dasaitamaださいたま, Genki na sugata wo 元気な姿を,, Giron ha kamiatte 議論はかみ合って, Gutai teki genchi 具体的言質, Haado dakedeha ハードだけでは, Handoru wo kiru ハンドルを切る  Hitsuuchi 非通知 ,, Jidoo tsuibi 自動ついび Josei no mikata女性の味方 Karada to soodan shinagara 体と相談しながら,,,Kenpoo 9joo憲法9条,,  kimeru 決める Denchi Kookan shiki 電池交換,式、 Majime まじめKinmu ha majime 勤務はまじめ, Mendoukusai 面倒くさい, Namagoroshi 生殺し, Neduyoi根強い Genkin bunka ga neduyoi 現金文化が根強、 Niramiai にらみ合い, Nooto wo mesetekureノートを見せて, Ochitsukanai 落ち着かない, Otooshi お通し, Sapurai cheen サプライチェーン, Seiga tsuku 精がつく, Seiji ga nichijoo ni oritekita 政治が日常に降りてきた, Seikatsukan no nai 生活感のない、Seireki 西暦,Yosan to setto de 予算とセットで, Shigeki 刺激, I ni shigeki wo ataenai 胃に刺激を与えない,   Shinchoo na shisei 慎重な姿勢, Shidashiya 仕出し屋, Shita no hoomade yokunattara下の方まで良くなったら,  Shigoto ga shumi 仕事が趣味,  Shigoto wo ganbatte ne 仕事をがんばってね.  Shitsukoi しつこい Denwa ga shitsukoi 電話がしつこい,  Shizukani mimamotte hoshii 静かに見守ってほしい,  Shoosha soodori 勝者総取り, Shoowa ga tooku 昭和が遠く, Suresure すれすれGookakuten suresure 合格点すれすれ,

Suteru kami areba 捨てる神あれば, --tabini ーー度にAme no tabini aki fukamaru 雨の度に秋深まる,  Korekara ga taihen これからが大変,

 Tafu sa タフさ、  Taisetsu ni tsukau 大切に使う, Tanki ryuugaku短期留学,  Tantoo ga kawaru 担当が替わる,   Tamagokake gohan たまごかけご飯、Tatewari no kabe 縦割りの壁, Te , Takaimono niha te wo dasanai 高いものには手を出さない, Terebi utsuir ga ii テレビ映りがいい,  Toire ga shinpaiトイレが心配, Tonosama shoobai 殿様商売, Toppu daun トップダウン, Tori tetsu 撮り鉄,  Tsurumu つるむ,  Usugi demo daijoobu 薄着でも大丈夫,

 Watari ni fune 渡りにふね,  Win win no giron

 ウインウインの議論,   Yasumi gachi 休みがち,  Yuru kyara ゆるキャラ,   Yoroshiku よろしく Musuko wo yoroshiku息子をよろしく、 Yuudoo 誘導 Kuruma wo yuudoo 車を誘導  Nido yuushoo shita kotono aru 二度優勝したことのある, Zen ga manaberu 禅が学べる


If you know all of these, do not read any further.  If a few of them are new to

you, the following collection might be of some interest to you.

The word/s in (     ) can be used in place of the preceding word/s. Bia gaaden,"

the outdoor restaurants (beer gardens) are doing bustling business" is to be

read as " the outdoor restaurants are doing bustling business" and "beer gardens

are doing bustling business." In a few cases ( ) is used to indicate the field

in which the headword is used, for example, Kimedashi(sumo).

The word/s in [      ] are supplied by Kutsuki. Gosadoo...[computer glitch]


At the end of majority of examples dates are given. For example, read 1/3/00 as

the first of March 2000.  It may help you remember the situation/s in which the

expression/s were used.

Almost all of the examples are taken from the English version of NHK's 7 o'clock

news.  The English version is the translation of the original Japanese, so that

it is not difficult to match Japanese counterparts with English expressions. Until 2002,

only a few examples are taken from BBC news, Japan This Day (Newswatch) broadcast on NHK

satellite program one, and from newspapers such as The Japan Times and The

Financial Times. When the originals are English, Kutsuki translated them into


In a lot of cases, a phrase or a sentence in which the word is used follows a

headword.  Ago, ago ga chiisaku natta.



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